Monday, April 03, 2006

Walking upright

I got out for a brief walk today and amazingly I felt drawn up to my full height from the get-go. Those extra two hours of sleep? (No, not a Spring Forward hangover--benadryl grogginess.)The Yoga I did earlier? Heck if I know, I just hope my back continues to offer me its strong support.

April is doing her shower thing, but I managed to avoid a downpour. Saw the results of her work, though: all sorts of cheery flowers, including species tulips in a luminous orangey-red, purple and white anemones, their stems all straggled about but still bravely holding their own. And what are those puff ball flowers? I loved those. They were white, sort of like a round cluster of stamens, each strand tipped violet. Not a very good description. I have forgotten most of what I ever knew about flowers--I will have to look those up.

It was dark and drear, but only one house had blue smoke pouring from a wide chimney.

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