Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Accumulative Effect of Andrew Bird

Humor is cumulative. While going through a book of cartoons, say the Farside ones, the cartoons are moderately amusing at the beginning but gradually they become funnier and funnier, until eventually it is hopeless and I am laughing till the tears come, tripping on the edge of hysterical laughter.

Today hearing Andrew Bird for the first time, listening to The Swimming Hour, I experienced the accumulative effect of Andrew Bird when I reached "Satisfied, " the tenth song. I felt moved beyond the words--looking at them now, I can't say what they mean. Naw, it was the sheer delight of his musicality.

Why did it take me so long? Maybe because it was the first time hearing him and my mind was working too hard, taking in the sounds, the instrumentation, the words, the variations of his vocalizations. But it might just be that particular song.

Need to listen again--and then many more times. Thanks, Jen.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I am so glad you are enjoying it! In my experience, I just enjoy the songs more and more as I listen to them. There's the musicality, and the lyrics which are sometimes quite opaque will open up and show little flashes of meaning (intended or not -- but that hardly matters).

Anyway, I'll be anxious to hear what other songs float up to the top for you. (you have to admit that Dear Old Greenland has a certain... charm. hee hee)