Wednesday, March 29, 2006

making the sacrifice

"A green grape rolled down the aisle of the bus." --from a Farside cartoon

Yesterday I just made it around two blocks, while walking. I have revised my expectations. I realized that my goal of pushing to add two blocks each time was actually preventing me from doing any walking at all! It is better to walk a little than not at all.

Although it was overcast by the time I got out there, it was so nice to be on the move. I passed a family, including two little kids, working hard in their yard. One of the little girls, only about three, decided to go for a walk of her own, just as I approached that yard. I gave her wide berth on the sidewalk, but even so, the father was on her immediately to get back in her own yard.

On my last walk I saw pairs of squirrels and a pair of chickadees chasing one another--it is that time of year. But yesterday nada, not even a cat. Guess they were expecting a shower. It sprinkled a few drops. Some of the street lights had come on, even though it was only 3 PM.


Jen said...

I love reading about your walks! Today was crazy squirrell day at Wilshire park. They are understandibly skittish due to all the dog-chasings they endure, but they were hilariously jumpy and suspicious today.

This kind of weather is my favorite for walking in -- it's not too hot, and if it rains a little I can just pull the hood of my jacket up and keep on moving.

Patty said...

Why thank you Ma'am! I need to do more walking and more writing.