Friday, March 31, 2006

Yoga yearnings

Yahoo! Today I was able to do the Cobra pose properly for the first time and hold it to a count of 1010. Yahoo, indeed!

I have been back at doing Yoga now for about 6 months, after a 15 year hiatus. At first my 15 minute tape seemed hours long. Now it seems quite short. Maybe a more challenging tape is in my future, but for now I want to enjoy the sensation of having accomplished something I would not have thought possible, when I began.

I am 66--67 in May--and yesterday I was complaining about a) a sprained hand, from cracking Brazil nuts for my granddaughter, and b) the ravages of time--a sprained hand from something so easy, something that was incidental at 40, even 50? It seems like every day I notice some new sign of the inroads of time on this body. "So get over it" or "face it, that's life--just accept it" is what I hear when I muse on that subject with some contemporaries. But Hey! I am going to do what I can to keep moving.

After I began doing the Yoga I noticed an improvement in my flexibility immediately. Oh, I still wake up stiff and aching, but after doing the Yoga, I rise to my full height and walk freely. What a return for an investment of only 15 minutes!


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